Awilda Fernandez
hollywood teeth by whitening at home
Actualizado: 18 feb 2022
How confident are you about your smile? Are you a coffee, wine or soda drinker? Over the years cigarettes , coffee or any drinks with colorants can stain your teeth. Even if you go to the dentist and have a regular professional cleaning twice a year but still have this annoying stain that wont come off, maybe even last forever. You probably heard or even use a whitening toothpaste and do NOT see the results you really want, "Hollywood white teeth."
If you really want to get a brighter and whiter smile this blog is for you. I am a coffee, tea and wine drinker. The last time I whiten my teeth was over two or three years ago and when Smile Brilliant reached out to me to try their products I hesitated for a second. My teeth tend to be really sensitive. So when I used any whitening strips such as crest whitening or opalescence whitening gel it made my teeth so sensitive to any temperature that I had to quit my favorites drinks for a few days. When Smile Brilliant mention to me that they have desensitizing gel I can use after whitening I was impressed and decided to try it.
Whitening Routine.
Recently, I started using a whitening kit at home with #smilebrilliant . I love the fact that you do your own impressions and whiten your teeth at home, so I did not have to request a day off from work.
I whitened my teeth every night before bed for a week and occasionally I did it while I was cooking meal or dinner for my kids. The first few days I whitened my teeth for 30 minutes and I went for 45 minutes for the rest of the treatment. I stopped whitening my teeth by day 5 due to a palatal laceration caused by a pizza burn.
I started again for 7 more days and not only do I love the final results but I do NOT have any sensibility with my teeth. I can enjoy my coffee every morning without having discomfort at all.
If you have sensitive teeth like me , I highly recommended Smile Brilliant desensitize gel after whitening for 20 minutes. To be honest I thought that it would make my teeth super sensitive compared to other whitening strips I have used in the past. #smilefearlessly #whileiwhiten
For more info about instructions visit
Before and after photos
Plus, a GIVEAWAY!!
Smile Brilliant and I are hosting a giveaway and one lucky winner will receive a $149 credit for your own
customized whitening kit!
Click the link
below to enter my Smile Brilliant
You can also enjoy an extra 15% off by using the code iamawilda15 at checkout!
Best of luck